Couponing 101:
Ready to start using coupons &
saving money on your groceries?

This Couponing 101 guide will help you on your way to saving your family money using coupons.

I know tons of smart shoppers who use coupons and have learned how to live on a grocery budget of $50.00 a week! It might take you a little time to see those kinds of savings, but with a little knowledge, time and practice, you're on your way to saving more than you ever imagined.

Just remember, everyone has to begin somewhere.

Where to find them

Every savvy shopper needs to have them, there's no way around that.

Here are the most common places to find them:

Organization 101

Disorganization is why many beginners give up. There are several ways to organize your coupons. Successful users understand the importance and have probably changed their method at some time or another. A box, binder or file system are just a couple of examples.

Check out my other page for details on how to make your own coupon binder

When is the best time to use them?

Using this Couponing 101 Guide will help any newbie understand the importance of waiting for a sale. Successful shoppers do not just use one because they have it. They wait for a sale and match it for more savings. If you have one for an item that is not on sale and it's not such a good deal, don't feel pressured to use it.

Watch the sales at different grocery stores. Pair the sales with coupons to get great savings. Many times items are just a small fraction of their original price when this is done. If the price is great, this is time to stock up as much as you can.

How to use them

Know the policies at stores. Stop at the customer service desks and ask about their policies. Most stores will allow combining (stacking) one manufacturer and one store per item. There are even some stores that accept competitor's.

When they are collected, organized and used in these ways it is easy to slice your monthly grocery budget in at least half. You're on your way to never paying full price again.

Looking for more ways to save your family money?
Here's some of the best sites on the internet to help you along the way.

Budgeting Steps provides ideas and common-sense approaches to personal budgeting, family, and household budgeting, including free tools such as budgeting worksheets, calculators, and printable sheets, tips on how to create a budget, money saving ideas, and earning income at home.

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